Events 2025

WMF herd is on a herd health program and is utd on vaccines. Vaccination is highly recommended for all horses attending WMF clinics. Mandatory vaccines for in barn area include rabies, flu, herpes, and strangles.

April 26/27, 2025

Pam Esteves -  Trainer and owner of Azores Stables in Central Ontario. Pam is a passionate WE L5 competitor. She has trained in Portugal with the two time World Champion Gilberto Filipe, and has been identified by WAWE judge Antonio Vincent, and Gilberto Filipe as a strong candidate for the Canadian World Cup team.

Saturday/Sunday April 26/27  2 day clinic 

Working Equitation with Pam Esteves

$300 + hst

Cost $300 plus hst for participants. Max 9 participants. Auditors $40 per day. Lunch included - pls advise of any allergies.

Saturday's Schedule

9am - 12am  -  (four participants)  45min private dressage lessons back to back

12pm - one hour Lunch break - lunch included

1pm-4:45 - (five participants) 45min private dressage lessons back to back

Sunday's Schedule (ease of handling obstacles course)

9am - group 1 (3 participants) ease of handling lesson 

10am - group 2 (3 participants) ease of handling lesson

11am - group 3 (3 participants) ease of handling lesson

12pm - lunch break - lunch included

1pm - group 1 mock run through ease of handling course

2pm - group 2 mock run through ease of handling course

3pm - group 3 mock run through ease of handling course

Pen rentals - limited numbers

     outdoor pen (5 available - 2 wooden pens and 3 metal pens) - $20 per day - limit one horse per pen - 12x16 and 20x20

     We also have 2 roundpens and one 14'x14' green metal horse pen available to rent.